Life and Money Show

Breaking Barriers in Finance: Arielle Thompson’s Path to Impact

Episode Summary

How do you know when it’s time to change your career path? Susan and Annie welcome their fellow Goodegg Investments team member Arielle Thompson to discuss how she shifted from music engineering to the world of finance. Arielle recounts the pivotal advice from her mentor that shaped her career and discusses the challenges and triumphs of navigating a traditionally male-dominated field as a young Black woman. Discover how Arielle mastered the art of communication, both within her team and with investors, and how confidence and empathy have had a ripple effect on her professional and personal life.

Episode Notes

Career Trajectory and Personal Goals 

Early career guidance from mentors can significantly shape professional growth and approach to challenges. 

Asking direct, ambitious questions can set a strong foundation for career advancement. 

Understanding financial tools is key to creating generational wealth and having a broader community impact.   

Continuously striving for work-life balance is vital for personal well-being and professional satisfaction. 


Navigating Finance and Freedom 


[00:04:23] I wasn't afraid to meet things head on. I wasn't afraid to be in a difficult position, and I wasn't afraid to voice my opinion. But I learned how to listen and how to navigate the conversation so I was able to be heard amongst my peers or people who were just in higher level positions than I was.


[00:20:54] I'm not thinking about what ceiling I'm going to hit. I'm thinking about how I can free myself and free those around me and spread this to other people because financial literacy is so important…it truly changes people's lives in generations to come, and it can be used for good and for impacting our communities around us. 


[00:39:28] I'm really learning how to prioritize myself and really kind of take the time to rest, not feel like I have to constantly be on and solve every problem, to serve everyone all the time.


Want to meet our team? 

You’re invited to our weekly Goodegg Popovers – virtual drop-in sessions where you can get to know our team and others in the Goodegg Community, and get your questions answered. 

Every Tuesday at 11am PT – We'd love to see you there!



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Thanks for listening, and until next time, keep investing for good!