Life and Money Show

Fiscal Fitness Hacks for Money Management Ease with Kelsa Dickey

Episode Summary

In this episode, financial expert Kelsa Dickey dives into a conversation about the psychological hurdles that often hinder effective wealth management and offers practical tips to overcome them. Plus, we’ll discuss strategies for harmonizing differing wealth management approaches within a relationship, so tune in!

Episode Notes


The Life & Money Show Spotlight:



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Kelsa is a financial coach and the CEO of Fiscal Fitness Phoenix. Armed with degrees in personal finance, economics, and accounting, along with extensive licensing as a financial advisor, she initially pursued a career in traditional financial advising. However, despite her expertise, her own experiences of financial stress led her to develop the ‘Plan Ahead Method,’ a revolutionary approach tailored to align with individual lifestyles and spending habits.






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Thanks for listening, and until next time, keep investing for good!