Life and Money Show

How to Create Passive Income Through Parking Assets with Sam Wilson

Episode Summary

Sam Wilson is the Founder and CEO at Parking Your Investments, a company which invests in “parking garages and parking lots nationwide.” Listen in as Sam sheds light on how this often overlooked asset class can potentially become an exceptionally stable source of cash flow by answering such questions as what “demand generators” to look for in a parking asset, how to structure an acquisition deal with the asset’s owners, the importance of buying for cash flow as opposed to appreciation, the top three risks involved with investing in parking assets, and how to scale and syndicate deals.

Episode Notes

Today’s guest has a career in real estate which began, as most do, with a focus on single family homes. But it wasn’t long after when he discovered incredible potential in an altogether different type of investment: parking garages and lots. He struck gold, being able to structure deals in such a way that operators can guarantee a monthly or annual income on each investment.

Sam Wilson is the Founder and CEO at Parking Your Investments, a company which invests in “parking garages and parking lots nationwide.” Listen in as Sam sheds light on how this often overlooked asset class can potentially become an exceptionally stable source of cash flow by answering such questions as what “demand generators” to look for in a parking asset, how to structure an acquisition deal with the asset’s owners, the importance of buying for cash flow as opposed to appreciation, the top three risks involved with investing in parking assets, and how to scale and syndicate deals.







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Thanks for listening, and until next time, keep investing for good!