Life and Money Show

Navigate the US Real Estate Market as a Foreigner with Charles Carillo

Episode Summary

Explore firsthand experiences and strategic wisdom that empowered Charles Carillo to create a lifestyle of international travel and remote property management. Discover actionable strategies for building and managing a successful real estate portfolio, offering the freedom to live and work from anywhere on the globe. Dive in!

Episode Notes


The Life & Money Show Spotlight:





Charles is the founder and managing partner of Harborside Partners. Since 2006, he has been actively involved in over $200 million worth of real estate transactions and has extensive knowledge of renovating and repositioning multifamily and commercial real estate.

In addition to being an active investor, Charles passively invests in many different asset classes, including commercial real estate, ATMs, and early-stage technology and agriculture (AgTech) startups.

Charles oversees all acquisitions, investor relations, and strategic partnerships at Harborside Partners. He is also the host of the popular podcast Global Investors, where he interviews successful real estate investors and hosts weekly strategy episodes.






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Thanks for listening, and until next time, keep investing for good!