Life and Money Show

The Nuts and Bolts of Real Estate Crowdfunding with Susan Elliott

Episode Summary

We are excited to welcome Susan Elliott back on the show to introduce to us a vehicle to diversify our assets and expand our investment portfolio. Dive in to learn the ins and outs of crowdfunding and how this can kickstart your wealth-building journey in real estate today.

Episode Notes


The Life & Money Show Spotlight:




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After a decade as an international whitewater kayak instructor, Susan discovered the hidden world of performing and non-performing notes and their incredible wealth-building potential. Susan thrives on communicating intimidating and detailed plans to anyone. She accredits this skill to years as an adventure guide and a river restoration engineer. From presenting an exact financial model to leading a team down a remote river canyon, she seeks to connect with individuals in a way that helps them realize their strengths.

Today, she helps connect investors with amplified returns through note partnership and investments so they never have to become a landlord. Susan also co-manages a suite of short-term rental properties in the epic Columbia River Gorge.






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Thanks for listening, and until next time, keep investing for good!